Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Lethal Idiots

Miles From Nowhere

Oh, please take pity on Marcus Vick and Maurice Clarett. All they had were full rides to play college football and get college degrees, an oppurtunity rarely given to young, black men from bad areas. They were superstars for their schools, projected to some day make millions of dollars playing football on Sunday. Both made a mistake early in their careers; Clarett was charged with misdemeanor falsification of a police report, while Vick was suspended that same season for one game for "undisclosed reasons".

Then they made more mistakes. Just a couple, but remember how hard it is to have the world by the balls when your 18,19 or 20.

Actually, they made a shit-ton of mistakes. Clarett's misconduct was less severe at first, in fact it was more pathetic than anything. He challenged the NFL's rule on draft eligibility by attempting to jump to the NFL after only two years of college. This came after he was suspended for the 2003 season for recieving "special benefits" worth thousands of dollars from a friend, and for misleading investigators on the false police report incident. He was kept from going to the NFL, had to sit the 2004 season as well, and was finally last year in the third round. Then he was cut by the Denver Broncos. Then he was arrested for armed robbery. This is where it went from being pathetic to be serious.......

Marcus Vick's biography reads like Mike Tyson's police report.
May 2004- Charged with 4 misdemeanor's. 3 for providing alcohol to underage girls. One for having sex with a 15 year old girl.
July 2004- Charged with reckless driving, and possession of marijuana. Kicked the Fuck out of Virginia Tech.
Sept. 2004- Pleads no contest to contributing to the deliquency of a minor. Is told to stay the hell away from teenage girls.
Oct. 2005- After being reinstated at Virginia Tech, and allowed to play ball again, gives the finger to the entire student section at West Virginia.
Dec. 2005- Is pulled over for speeding and for driving with a suspended license. Doesn't feeled compelled to inform his coach or the University of this.
Jan. 2005- Stomps on the back of a Louisville's players leg. Is kicked off the team, announces he is going pro, and procedes to celebrate by pulling a gun on three teenage kids at a McDonalds parking lot.

Wow! Simply stunning. Maurice Clarett was once hailed as the future of college football as a freshman. He is now sitting in a jail cell somewhere in Ohio, being called "Maury" by some 300 pound dude named Ernest probably. At least he can claim that he had really fallen on rough times since trying to stick it in the NFL's wrong hole three years ago. What can Vick say? His brother is a star in the NFL, and just gave him an Escalade. He and his mom just moved out of the ghetto of Hampton Roads, Va. I don't think he is that great of a QB, but that's besides the point. Someone was gonna take this guy, and he was gonna make millions. Now he's looking at three years behind bars. One of the problems is that he got away with all that stuff before this happened, probably because he is Mike Vick's baby bro. I mean, if you or me was charged with giving booze to young girls, we'd still be out of college. But Tech decided to let him back in. And then they watched him take a shit on their kindness. For christsakes, I'd like to think that any sane person would sit down and be like "OK, I fucked up once, got kicked out of school completely, and now they've let me back in. I better not only stay the hell out of trouble, but go out and do a good deed every now and then."

Nah B, that ain't Marcus style, holmes.

Both of these guys had a bright future, regardless of how rough their childhood's were. Once your in college, YOUR NOT IN THE GHETTO ANYMORE. YOU DON"T NEED TO BE BILLY THE BADASS TO IMPRESS ANYONE.
Well, look at your lives now. I'm sure you're tired of hearing white people say that, but hey, I'm still in college, no one thinks I'm a hodlum, a pedofile, or a gun waving lunatic. And not one person feels sorry for you thugs.

You're a couple of jokes.


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