Thursday, January 12, 2006

Worthless crap, from your favorite writer Skip Jobless

The man… the myth… the massive tool of all massive tools himself, Skip Bayless, has got to go.

Not only is he the joke of ESPN page 2, on which several other writers actually do what is called "making a point, but he is also one of the few writers in the world that can noticeably whine through text. Let's recount some of Skip's "finer" moments… and then proceed to viciously rip them apart.

1.) Tour De France (Cold Pizza) "wahhh wahhh I can't respect anyone in a sport n which the leader wears a yellow jersey. That's definitely something the French would do."

As Woody Paige and whoever the random mediator lady followed up, "What the hell are you talking about, Skip?" I believe in some cultures and groups, something like what Bayless said can get your speaking privileges revoked, and I'd like to have a bill passed to do so A.S.A.P. Memo to Skip: You go ride a bike up a mountain for miles and miles without whining, and then get a little case of cancer and chemo, and we'll see what you think about how a yellow jersey can take respect away from Lance Armstrong.

2.) (Page 2) "So much for the In-Vince-ibles, USC will win in a big romp."

There really isn't much of a response to that, seeing as he may have been as wrong as is humanly possible on the subject. I bet he's a huge Texas and Vince Young fan now too. Would you pay for a PPV battle in which Vince Young and Lance Armstrong got to be locked in a room with Bayless and rip him apart? I would.

3.) "The T.O. saga was Donovan McNabb's fault" (Page 2)

Somebody please for the love of God put this man some place where he can't write or speak.

On the subject of the blood-sucking leech Owens (a whole other story in itself); poor old Skip proves his overall journalistic worthlessness time and time again. Anytime Owens is in the news and Skip decides to run his mouth, all that comes out is incoherent, 100% biased crap, which is essentially the opposite of journalism ethics. Opinions are one thing, nagging and whining like a little girl is another.

Skip, your job is to make sense, prove a point, and provide some sort of insight to your readers or viewers… in your case, however, they all just want to bash your face in.

I'll close with a comment from some guy named Gavin on an "I Hate Skip Bayless" message board I just came across. ""If ESPN replaced Skippy with a steaming pile of monkey sh!t that looked suspiciously like Satan, would anyone know the difference?" To answer your question Gavin, most likely nobody would notice that, or if they planted a weasel or rat in his seat on Cold Pizza.

However I can personally say I will gladly take your job someday Skip.


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